Thursday, March 21, 2013

I'm Back! No... Forward!

While browsing through my favorites bar, on pure happenstance I landed upon my blog and read what I had written long ago (I know, usually people land on blogs other than their own - that tells you how long it's been!).  I read post #1, thinking back to my first impressions of this tiny dot of an island on the map.  I read my second post, then third.  Memories of students, crazy driving incidents, and a desire to understand my new place of residence all came flooding back in wonderful succession. 

It wasn't until I looked at the "stats" of my blog that I decided to do something various people had urged me to do in the past: keep writing.  My stats told me that, though I thought my blog was long dead, people were actually still reading it! 

Though I would like to say, "I'm back!" I'm not going to officially commit to anything that grand.  Rather, I'm forward. :-P  I'm looking forward to posting stories about the past two years of life, looking forward to catching you, my reader, up to this point in time.  And I'm looking forward to posting stories, pictures, and "snapshots" of life as it is being lived today.  Please read through the past few posts (there aren't many) and get ready for new ones to come!  I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Forward!! Love reading your blog!
