Thursday, April 4, 2013

Run Away!

During the drive home today, I was talking with a coworker and was reminded of a funny story I wanted to post.  So here it is :-)

Two days ago, I was merrily driving home after school ended when I came up to a round about.  Now, many of you, my American readers, have yet to experience one of these pieces of ingenuity.  Instead of a four-way stop sign or a stop light, the designers of this fair country plopped a cement circle in what we know as the intersection and decided to contribute to the rat race by making us drive in circles (because running in circles during our work day wasn't enough).  Idealistically, it works like this.  In reality, it works like this with lots of these hanging out at each one.

I waited for several minutes while traffic streamed past me, too thick to even think about entering the fray.  Then, just as I was wondering if I would make it home, preferably prior to my 9 o'clock bed time, the clouds parted and a brief spot opened up.  A green van pulled up to my left and decided that he had enough time to venture out as well.  I instantly surmised I'd be safe, due to the rather self-serving fact that if there was a problem, he'd get hit first. 

Well, as it would happen, the green van gunned his engine a little faster than I and darted out into traffic while I merged just after him.  All of a sudden, I saw two things.  1. A police car.  2. A car rather quickly approaching.  With no choice but to follow through, I pushed my little Toyota Yaris to it's limit and popped into the open space. 

Instantly red and blue lights started flashing behind me.  

My first thought?  FASTER!  Take the alley and ditch them!  I can't get a ticket for what I just did!  Are there even any rules for roundabouts? 

WHAT??  Yes, my friends, those were my thoughts as I rounded that roundabout just ahead of the car which I apparently cut off.  I had to laugh all the way home.  If I were in the states and a police car flipped on his lights due to my actions, I'd mentally kick myself, dutifully pull over, and wait for him to hand over a ticket along with my license and registration.  But here?  Oh, no.  I would never do that.  The first thought that goes through my mind?  Run away! 

Side Note:  I never did get a ticket.  The police car apparently decided simply making his presence known was enough.  But just in case they had come after me, I had a few alternate routes up my sleeve. ;-)


1 comment:

  1. I love roundabouts. We obviously have them in Germany and when I went back to the States last year, I actually wished for the roundabouts back. I love driving overseas. Germans are much more patient then Americans when it comes to most anything, but esp when it comes to driving. Love living out of the U.S.!
