Saturday, August 28, 2010

Plain Ride

Nope, it's not misspelled.  Here is my challenge: To enjoy the travel not just the location.  I often think of adventure as beginning when I arrive in my target location, not during the getting to it part.  As an already tired traveller who has 20 hours of travel ahead of her, this will be a challenge worth meeting. 

Travelling can be stressful, as many of you know.  Bags can get lost, someone may get sick next to you on the plane, and you're typically sleep deprived for much of the time.  That's the side of travel I think of most when I think of twenty hours of planes, airports, taxi rides, and layovers.  But what might I enjoy if I look at travelling itself as an adventure?  Maybe I'll meet a newly wed couple traveling on their honeymoon.  Perhaps I'll see a mysterious man I can write into a crime mystery.  Maybe I'll even meet a millionaire and gain an open invite to her palatial palace in the Swiss Alps.  Okay, that's a bit fantastic.  But still, my challenge is with me as I load my bags into the car, ride to the airport, shuffle through security, stuff myself into a middle seat, and travel the friendly skies.